Thursday, August 20, 2009

This week

Let's see. We're at the end of one section of unit one, so we're doing a lot of review right now. Things have been a bit busy here at home this week, so haven't had time to even write in my journal each night. Deacon is doing wonderful! He knows around 40 signs in ASL, we are getting into multiplication and he's learning his 3's right now, he did his very first report today about King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain...I had to help him put it in paragraph format, but he made notes and we went off of those to write the report. I'm proud of him! He's doing really well in keyboarding, I stepped out of the room today to see if he would cheat and look at the keyboard...sure enough he did. So he will be doing today's lesson over again tomorrow. He is still doing well with the listen and obey chart. He has missed two days on it since we started using it, so not bad really. The biggest challenge we are having to overcome is concentration. He gets side tracked and distracted easily, but all he needs is a reminder to get back on task. Some days are better than others in that respect.

Scouts is about to start back up and Deacon is excited about that. He will get to see all of his friends more often than he has been over the summer. His other friend from school, Amelia, is home schooled and has been since last year. Hoping we can get with her and her mom some this year for field trips. We're still taking it just a day at a time, with the philosophy of try to survive it, then learn to thrive from it. I'll try to scan in is journal entries and his report for you guys soon. I'm low on ink right now. I think that's about it for now. Until next time!

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