Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday everyone. We had a marvelous time at church this morning. Since we didn't have school today, I thought it was the prefect time to post Deacon's journal entries so far. I hope you can read them. He has learned about more than just Christopher Columbus, but you can see what he likes to put in his journal. I'm glad the unit theme is something he enjoys. This year we will go through all kinds of themes relating to adventure. We will have the Pilgrims at one point, Lewis and Clark, Squanto, and Daniel Boone. Each year through 5th grade this curriculum set builds off of history and continues up to World War II in the 5th grade. We chose Trail Guide to Learning and Horizons Math 3 for curriculum this year and I have to say we are quite pleased with our choice. I'd say Deacon is pleased as well. I'm still having a little trouble with the teacher handbook of Horizons Math, but his work is pretty obvious to me what he needs to do. I think with a little more study, I will have the teacher's handbook figured out soon.

For all the Scouters out there, I found it quite impressive that the Boy Scout Handbook of 1910 is part of Deacon's curriculum this year. It hasn't called for us to use it yet, but we both look forward to it. If it turns out to be too hard for him to accomplish we will substitute his Bear Cub Handbook instead. That's right, I can't believe he will be a Bear this year! Only 2 more years after this year and he will be a Boy Scout! Another thing I really like about the Trail Guide to Learning is that science is nature based. We have two handbooks for science that are all about nature. Birds, plants, fruits, flowers. That ought to keep his interest and mine as well. See you all again tomorrow with the next installment of the homeschool journey.

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